Yakinthia 2016
19th Yakinthia was completed on 31st of July, a culture festival at Anogeia of Crete that, this year was dedicated to “Wheat, the milk of earth” and everything that originates from it.
Hundreds of people of all ages were flooded in, for another one year, the theater of St. Hyacinth, responding to a call to emphasize on the necessary things and reject the fake dilemmas.
They attended a generous four-day of events with Portuguese fados by the internationally renowned singer Cristina Branco and virtuoso musicians that accompanied her, the “fairies” of Xanthi, Eleni and Suzanna Vougioukli, Loudovikos of Anogeia and Psarantonis in screams and whispers, Italian MD’s Quartet and our favorite Parea of Hyacinth and the unique Spiros Plousis or “Rolios” that communicated to all people in the theater, the joy of life, effortless, hilarious laughter, from day one of Yakinthia.
At the same time, they had the opportunity to see parallel actions, such as “Baby dough“, the elaborate exhibition of “xompliasta” buns and live presentation of the art of “xompliasta buns “trividia” and “Woven bread“. The exhibition with disks from boiled wheat, an ancient art in memory of loved ones who passed away, placed under the Tree of memories – a unique exhibition with photographic memories on the branches of a tree.
We sincerely thank all entities that have supported Yakinthia this year, all who have worked hard for their success and left a lot of promises for the future.
Have a great August! We keep for 20 years …