Press Release – Yakinthia 2016

Yakinthia Festival 2016
Festival of 19th Yakinthia was completed on 31st of July

Press Release – Yakinthia 2016

Υakinthia, for 19 years, compose and blend Mediterranean cultures in a hospitable environment that is now among the world geoparks of UNESCO. For a few days, every year, it is a summer school of environmental harmony, intellectual culture and prayer.

WHEAT – “THE MILK OF EARTH” – Anogeia, 27-31 of July

If suddenly everything ends, wheat will set up the history of life again.
Global demand in peoples slogans are bread and freedom.
Yakinthia honoring wheat, organize and present this year, everything that originates from the “milk of earth”. Bread, rusks, elaborate cookies, wheat porridge, koliva (boiled wheat as ritual food).

If we emphasize to “the value of less” and content ourselves to the necessary, fake dilemmas will be lost.

Program of Events

Wednesday, July 27, Agios Yakinthos Theater, 21.30

“The art of laughing with pure ingredients”

Unique Spyros Plousis or Rolios in a hilarious representation of daily life of Anogeians. Along with the musicians Antonis Kontokalos and Costas Vrentzos.

Thursday, July 28, Agios Yakinthos Theater, 21.30

Cristina Branco

A unique performance by the famous singer with international career, in the popular song of Portugal, the famous Fados.


Eleni & Souzana Vougioukliwith a Mediterranean repertoire

Anogeia – 19.30

A parade through the streets of Anogeia of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Municipality of Heraklion.

Friday, July 29, Agios Yakinthos Theater, 21.30

‘’Screams and Whispers’’
Psarantonis – Loudovikos of Anogeia.

“The fighting spirit of Erotokritos”

A speech by Nikos Lygeros

Saturday, July 30, Agios Yakinthos Theater, 21.30


The Italian, lyrical band in a soulful and melodious performance.

The group of Hyacinth

in its natural space!

Sunday, July 31, Meidani square, Anogeia, 21.30

“From the earth to the moon” An animated film by Angelos Spartalis.
Songs in the movie by Dionisis Savopoulos and Psarantonis.

An artistic installation in the area of Yakinthia, “The baby dough”, by the Cypriot teacher Demetra Socratous .